Friday, June 10, 2011

Showtime taunts us mercilessly with a Dexter Season 6 Teaser

Showtime has just released a teaser for Dexter Season 6. And when they say “teaser”, they mean it. The show starts filming again this month so I understand there are no sneak-peek goodies they can reveal, but I admit to being a little perplexed by the teaser. It basically highlights a few of the important moments of the show, including The Ice Truck Killer, Miguel Prado, and of course, Trinity. Rudy aka Ice Truck Killer, makes sense to me. This was a pivotal plot on which so much of Dexter’s psychology is based. The Trinity Killer changed Dexter’s entire world when he murdered Rita and left Dexter’s son in the very similar blood bath as the birth of his own Dark Passenger. But, Miguel Prado? Really? Seriously? I don’t get it.

Don’t get me wrong, it was a solid storyline and Jimmy Smits played a fantastic villain. However, I don’t see why they would choose to showcase that particular chapter in Dexter’s life, compared to this last season. Granted, you probably either loved or hated Dexter Season 5, but I believe it played an important role. After all, Lumen is still walking around (aka alive) knowing Dexter’s secret. It was also vital to see how Dexter was going to cope with the loss of his wife and mother of his child.

Even Lila, as despicable as she was, played a more significant role in Dexter’s good vs. evil evolution, than the dearly departed and dismembered D.A. However, I do have faith that Showtime and the Dexter writers know what they are doing. It’s been said that this new season will focus a lot on Dexter’s relationship with his sister, Deb, who almost found out his secret last season. They’ve also revealed that three new characters will join Dexter Season 6, including one that may be a love interest. I tend to think this Dexter Season 6 teaser is just a little bit of hype, a niblet to satisfy our Dexter taste buds until the show returns this fall. We are, however, grateful for the bite!
Its seasons 1-5 have been released on dvd at my site. You can check it out at

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Tips For Lawn And Garden Weed Control

The idea of trying to keep your lawn and garden weed violations of the explosives with no harmful chemicals could be a noble ideal, but probably conjures up visions of a sore back and aching knees. However, kneeling in the garden and pulling weeds by hand is not the only way to avoid using chemicals to kill unwanted plants. In fact, there are many ways to accomplish this end by working smarter, not harder. The first major change needed to begin to control weeds in your lawn and garden without chemicals is to properly prepare the soil for the areas in question. This would be considered a candidate for the foundation where you will be more and more of your plants. It is best to implement the following ideas before making your plantings so you get your project without chemicals against weeds made an excellent start.

One of the best ways to avoid having weeds growing in your garden or patio is to kill lawn weeds if a process called soil solarization. This is a preventive approach and completely organic eliminate weeds before they have a chance to germinate. However, soil solarization requires a good bit of work, and is only effective if you can start planting the area with a clean slate. Install landscape fabric is another great way that you can significantly reduce the appearance of weeds in your garden and lawn. Their use also eliminates the need for toxic chemical weeding. These fabrics designed for use in landscaping are to this effect and may even be regarded as a means of hi-tech battle weeds without introducing chemicals. Using mulch is another approach very beneficial for the protection of your lawns and gardens in the invasion of weeds. While the working landscape fabric beneath the planting area is established, the mulch is applied to the soil surface around your plants and can stifle a weed trying to break through the surface. The mulch can also be used in conjunction with landscape fabric anti-weed for a strategy to one Two Punch organic weed control.

Another advantage of using mulch is that it also has the ability to provide insulation for your plants. The insulation value is particularly useful in summer and can help keep the underlying soil is both fresh and moist. This will reduce watering requirements and will also protect the root systems of damage caused by the heat break. While some people have chalked up an old wives tale, vinegar can also help you control Weeds DVD without chemicals. This acetic acid in vinegar that delivers a dose of herbicides on weeds. But you'll need a higher number than you probably have in the cupboard and you can look for super-strength vinegar into the weeds and food stores. However, if you want to use vinegar to kill weeds in your organic garden and lawn, then you must apply it carefully and weeds. Vinegar is a "non-selective" herbicide and can damage plants that are exposed, it is not recommended for lawns. But vinegar can be an excellent way to control Weeds Season 1-6 DVD Boxset in your planting beds organic if you pay attention to this subject than on spraying weeds.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Lindsay Sloane Joins Weeds Season 7

If you’ve ever watched TV, you’ve more than likely seen Lindsay Sloane’s face before. She’s one of those go to funny women for a guest role, having appeared in shows like How I Met Your Mother, Mr. Sunshine, Entourage, and even co-starred in Sabrina, the Teenage Witch in the 90s. Now according to TV Line, Weeds is the latest show with their sights set on Sloane. Naturally, as with most actresses who appear on the show, she’ll be playing a love interest for Andy Botwin (Justin Kirk). Sloane — whose deal calls for her to appear in at least six episodes of the show’s upcoming seventh season — will play Maxeen, a quirky conceptual artist in New York who takes a liking to Andy.

Sounds like someone Sloane would play to me. My favorite moments in Weeds are when Andy gets involved with some woman, especially when they’re a little crazy. In this case, hopefully “quirky” means she’s a little on the crazy side. Sloane can play some fairly nutty people. See her in She’s Out of My League to see just how crazy she can get. I’m quite interested in why the Botwin’s will be returning Stateside after spending a good chunk of time in Denmark. I hope Andy hasn’t changed his ways in that time gap. Sloane’s no stranger to the big screen either. You can catch Sloane in the upcoming Jason Sudeikis comedy A Good Old Fashioned Orgy. The seventh season of Weeds starts things off June 27.

Weeds seasons 1-6 have been released on dvd at my site. You can check it out at

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

House Not Trying to Kill Cuddy in 'House M.D.' Season 7 Finale

House left an impression that he was trying to kill Cuddy in the season 7 finale of "House M.D dvd." after he crashed his car into her living room, but now David Shore has explained that it is not the case. "I'm aware of that reaction [and], though it's not universal, it's something we have to think about. It wasn't intended," the show's creator insisted.

"He was clearly doing something crazy and visceral, but he wasn't trying to kill. If you watch the episode closely enough, [House M.D dvd set] are leaving the room before he drives into that room. He sees that," Shore continued. "Certainly, it was crazy and irresponsible and dangerous, but it wasn't an attempt to murder her."

Laying another argument, he told TVLine at WGA Foundation event, "Second of all, when he leaves, he says [to Wilson], 'You're right. I do feel better.' And he does feel better, which to me means he got what he wanted out of that. He did intend to lash out. He did intend to hurt her, but not physically. He got what he wanted, which was to strike a blow against her world."

Regarding Lisa Edelstein's departure, Shore said he would have crafted a different season ender if he had known her plans. "It probably would have involved more closure on the character," he shared. "I was really disappointed. I am still reeling from it..."

Asked whether Edelstein would return in season 8 for an episode of House M.D dvd boxset or two to properly finish her storyline, Shore said, "We have to plan for her not coming back," because "there's no indication that she would at this point." Scribe Peter Blake, meanwhile, claimed explaining Cuddy's departure will be easier than figuring out what would happen next with Huddy if she was still on the show.

Talking about a new character who will take over Cuddy's job, Shore told Entertainment Weekly, "It depends on how things unfold but there definitely may well be more than one." One thing he knows for sure is that "House M.D Seasons 1-7 dvd boxset is not going to be totally changed or different."

Don't Call My Name, Don't Call My Name, Alejandro

Okay, who already thinks Desperate Housewives ’ season eight is going to be so much better than anything we’ve seen in season seven? I realize that the unsatisfying trajectory of this year’s mystery doesn’t really bode well for the future success of Marc Cherry & Co.’s long-form storytelling, but the fact that all the Desperate Housewives dvd are going to be involved as partners in crime in next year’s caper instantly makes it more compelling than anything this show has given us in years. Finally, DH is getting back to basics, crafting a mystery that utilizes the entire ensemble rather than splitting the cast into a web of barely-connected, tangential story-threads.

Until the instantly infamous “progressive” dinner party late in the finale, the latter, fragmented approach unfortunately defined most of last night’s drama.

Bree wanted to take her relationship with Det. Chuck to the next level. But he proved to be mystifyingly sex averse. Chuck claimed that he wanted to hold off until his divorce was final, lest his cheating wife find legal ammo to stack the settlement in her favor. Lee, however, suggested another possibility. Drawing upon his singular “Desperate Housewives season 7 DVD boxset ” he said he’d seen the cop at aFairviewgay bar, and suggested that Chuck was only using Bree as a beard to enhance his macho cred among the Force. It didn’t help matters when Chuck introduced Bree to his colleagues with “See, I didn’t make her up!”

Lee also suggested that Chuck was in love with his Fairview PD partner, with whom he’d recently severed ties after nine years of serving together. Oh, and they had just severed ties after a camping trip. “Oh, God, it’s me and Tom Mankiewicz all over again,” Lee realized. (Could he be referring to the Tom Mankiewicz who wrote Diamonds Are Forever, easily the most homophobic James Bond movie ever? If he’d only seen its portrayal of Mr. Wynt and Mr. Kidd, he’d have known he was really barking up the wrong tree.)

Bree took Chuck to a gay bar to elicit a reaction. He admitted that he’d only been working undercover there, that his partner had been shtupping his wife, and that he was ready to get to second base. Later, Bree decided to scout his soon-to-be ex-wife’s S&M-inspired boutique, to get a sense of the competition. Not only did Doreen get wind of Bree’s intent to steal Chuck away for herself—thus giving the not-quite-ex a reason to hold out for a better settlement—she ended up with a skull purse.

Watching the film of Logan's Run on DVD

The film Dexter DVD made in 1976. This review is about the cheap Dexter DVD, which offers an excellent documentary on how this film was made. If you see the documentary, you will understand what an undertaking the making of Logan's Run was at the time it was made. This story demonstrates what can happen when people know nothing about history. In Logan and Jessica's world, there is no history; sometimes a false one is believed. Questioning the status quo is considered weird. No one is to question the workings of Carousel; it is an accepted fact that if people try hard enough on Last Day, they will be renewed. There is plenty of food, drink, amusement, sex and drugs. But no one is allowed to grow wise either through learning or through age and experience.

The authorities are concerned that outside there may be a sanctuary for runners. Ultimately, he discovers that his entire existence has been a lie. He thought he was free and happy until he learned that he was really living in a luxurious death camp. The human yearning for freedom is strong. At first, he and Jessica don't have to die; they do not listen, where a number of them will be systematically killed. What happens next is the most important message in the film. In the film, Logan destroys the central computer and the authority of the Domed City with the power of his mind.
The Dexter DVD set shows the U.S. Capitol in a state or ruins, "By the People for the People" are words nearly forgotten because there is no one left to remember what they meant. This film spawned an interesting TV series and a series of comic books.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Some extra juicy bits of information for Season 4

It looks like the cast of True Blood are also getting ready for the Season 4 premiere. Next Tuesday, June 7, HBO is airing a new season of true blood special titled “Digging Up Season 3.” The special will be going back and looking at all the best moments from last season and have the main cast comment on the events and general craziness that took place. Commentary like this is always great for the fans. Getting an actors take on a specific scene can actually be quite illuminating and bring up things you might not have even noticed.

I like hearing how an actor breaks down a character’s thought process and motivations. It’s really neat. This is something you should definitely check out. The wait is hard, but HBO is doing all they can to make it easier on the fans. With any luck, there might be some extra juicy bits of information for Season 4. I wouldn’t get my hopes too high if I were you. Just go into it expecting some good commentary about your favorite show and maybe, just maybe, you’ll be surprised with a quick teaser or sneak peek from the premiere. And if not, just keep telling yourself, “Only a month away.

I can do this.” Since the cast is reliving Season 3, maybe you should too. Pop the true blood seasons 1-3 DVD boxset in and refresh your memory. Do whatever you can, just don’t go crazy and start biting people. That’s too far.“True Blood: Digging Up Season 3″ airs Tuesday, June 7 and the season premieres Sunday, June 26.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

What did everyone else think of the first three minutes of True Blood Season 4?

Ready for a treat new season of true blood fans? For those of you that don’t know, HBO released the first three minutes of the Season 4 premiere for members of HBO Go and, naturally, it found its way on to YouTube. We have the video down below and if you just can’t wait for June 26 by all means watch it.

The premiere will pick up exactly where we left off, finding out where Claudine zapped Sookie away to. They both appear in fairy land, which is pretty odd place. It’s filled with other fairies like Sookie and their fairy godmothers. There’s this weird tree in the center that bears glowing, golden fruit. I don’t know what’s up with the tree, but it was giving me a creepy vibe. I guess Sookie felt it too, because she started getting a little freaked out when other people began eating the fruit. But then she forgets all that when she sees her grandfather (played by the always amazing Gary Cole!) He didn’t recognize her at first. The last time he saw Sookie was only two weeks ago for him, but for Sookie it’s been 20 years. End of clip!

So I’ve got to say, I was pretty underwhelmed by those three minutes. The whole golden fruit and fairy godmothers thing seemed a little too much to me, almost cheesy. All the fairy godmother were wearing Greek-like attire which seemed off. Maybe it was just me. What did everyone else think of the first three minutes of True Blood Season 4? And don’t forget to watch “new season of true blood: Digging Up Season 3″ next Tuesday!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Transferring Home Movie Film to DVD

8mm film is a filmstrip that's 8 mm wide. It has two major types: the initial standard 8mm film and double eight mm. Although both 8 mm films will be eight millimeters wide, Super eight features a larger graphic area simply because of its smaller perforations. There are two other types of Super eight: Single eight millimeters and Straight eight. The standard 8 mm film format was created by the Eastman Kodak company throughout the Great Depression and released in the marketplace in 1932. The film spools actually contain a sixteen millimeter film with twice; in its first move through the camera, it is simply exposed along half of its width.
Once the first pass is complete, the camera is opened and the spools are flipped and swapped, and then the very same film will be exposed along its other edge, the edge left unexposed on the very first pass. This film was delivered inside a common box showing twenty-five ft that tends to confound the general public typical length film spools granted shooting around 3 minutes to 4.five minutes at twelve, 15, and 16 along with 18 frames per second. In 1965, Super-8 film premiered and was quickly implemented because of the recreational film-maker. The item showcased a much better quality image, and was simpler to work with mainly as a result of cartridge-loading technique which did not require re-loading - and re-threading - halfway through. Transferring the Home Movie Film to DVD.
recomendation:true blood seasons 1-3 DVD boxset

Influential American Films on TV

Do you know which films had the biggest impact? Texas satellite TV subscribers can check out these five films which have been the most influential in the American cinema. The No.1 is Vertigo. It is brilliant on many different levels. One might say that Hitchcock brought the thriller genre to the big leagues .

If this film did not exist, maybe Brian De Palma's career would have taken a very different turn. The No.2 is Shadows. John Cassavettes made this independent breakthrough. In Shadows, this film is the centerpiece of the Independent Film Channel collection. No.3 is The Godfather.In many ways, it showed the possibilities that filmmakers adapt a large work to the screen. It had been orchestrated by a master conductor.

For a generation of actors, the work of Brando, Pacino and De Niro was the entire textbook they would need. No.4 is Citizen Kane. Orson Welles use techniques from the theater, fine art and radio. Though it was thwarted by W.R. Hearst, the work became legend immediately and remains one of the top two or three films. The last one is the Mean Streets. The convincing characters makes it could be so many different things, but above all it should be life. Scorsese was just getting started.
recommendation:new season of true blood