Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Watching the film of Logan's Run on DVD

The film Dexter DVD made in 1976. This review is about the cheap Dexter DVD, which offers an excellent documentary on how this film was made. If you see the documentary, you will understand what an undertaking the making of Logan's Run was at the time it was made. This story demonstrates what can happen when people know nothing about history. In Logan and Jessica's world, there is no history; sometimes a false one is believed. Questioning the status quo is considered weird. No one is to question the workings of Carousel; it is an accepted fact that if people try hard enough on Last Day, they will be renewed. There is plenty of food, drink, amusement, sex and drugs. But no one is allowed to grow wise either through learning or through age and experience.

The authorities are concerned that outside there may be a sanctuary for runners. Ultimately, he discovers that his entire existence has been a lie. He thought he was free and happy until he learned that he was really living in a luxurious death camp. The human yearning for freedom is strong. At first, he and Jessica don't have to die; they do not listen, where a number of them will be systematically killed. What happens next is the most important message in the film. In the film, Logan destroys the central computer and the authority of the Domed City with the power of his mind.
The Dexter DVD set shows the U.S. Capitol in a state or ruins, "By the People for the People" are words nearly forgotten because there is no one left to remember what they meant. This film spawned an interesting TV series and a series of comic books.

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